Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Police State ::: Here for your protection.

I saw a couple of videos today. Both made me very very pissed off. People don't see, that we really are living in an uprising police state. I fear, it will get much much worse, before Martial Law sets in. Go ahead, watch these videos, and these are NOT isolated incidences, and much worse happens that is not video taped, but documented. 6-7 police officers (male & female) FORCEFULLY strip search a 41 year old woman who was a VICTIM of an assualt. Watch for yourself.

In another case a 14 year old boy was bullied by a police officer for skateboarding and called the police officer "dude". Again watch for yourself...

Another video from last year:

Both officers were suspended. In the video just above Officer Williams was cleared of any wrong doing. You can read more on this by following this link:

All of this is happening to condition you to accept it. The airports, random traffic stops to swab your DNA to see if you're a serial killer, torture, going door to door checking for guns.
The more and more we see this, the more we become 'okay' with it. Similar to how mind control works with repetition.
I'm hoping some of you wake up to this. This is not America anymore. I don't know what else to say really, I just want my country back.

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