Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Alright people, seriously...it's time to wake up. People around me are waking up, and they, in turn, are waking up more sheeple. It's not enough. I want to see every single one of my friends open their eyes, to turn off their TV, put down there phones, and open up their mind and research the world around them.
"Whats going on? Whats so god damn important that I have to stop what I'm doing and pay attention?" Are you feeling our current economic situation? Are you sick of working your ass off, and it still seems like you're getting no where? Are you sick of the war(s)(war on terror, war on drugs, war on crime, war on America)? Are you sick of politics? Do you care about politics? Do you believe in the left/right paradigm? Do you know what the Federal Reserve is? Do you know who Ron Paul is? Do you know what is in the vaccines you take (your children take)? Do you know anything about the Fluoride that is probably in your drinking water, & toothpaste? Have you heard of Gulf of Tonkin incident? Operation Northwoods?
These are some serious question you need to find the answers too. You'll be shocked at what you learn. It's hard to wake people up without the proper introduction, a baby step in if you will, into the real world. Don't believe the documentaries I have posted for you below this. Please, go out and look up what these documentaries are saying. Don't believe me, go look it up. Just please STOP being a sheep. Sheeple should be talking about how the middle class, and America are being thrown to the wolves! America is in serious, dire need of help! (Please don't just go to wikipedia for your answers, very unreliable source)
If any of you have any questions, go ahead and ask. Or just discuss it with me. Here are some VERY important documentaries to get you started on your path to enlightenment. You can find most if not all of these on torrent sites. If you want to view it in full high quality. They're available to watch for free on Google in lesser quality. The choice is yours.

America: Freedom to Fascism
This goes into the Federal Reserve, and our income tax. Which is unlawful. It also talks about the world elites plan for America.

Zeitgeist: The Movie
Divided into 3 parts. I: Religion; II:9/11; III: Federal Reserve & World Elite

Alex Jones' brand new documentary Endgame charts the history of the elite blueprint for social domination and control, outlining the ultimate plans that those who consider themselves the anointed have for our planet.

This film focuses on 9/11 and 7/7 bombings in London.

Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve
An excellent piece of information on how banking works, and our current Federal Reserve system operates.

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