Monday, August 13, 2007

Voter Fraud

Well, Ron Paul came in 5th at the Iowa Straw Poll. Not bad, and also in my eyes, not real great. For those of you who don't know, the Iowa Straw Poll is basically a mock vote. Doesn't count for anything. I think it's mostly used for fund raising, and getting their word out. Of course the Ron Paul supporters were very disappointed (as was I). Something did come up though, a couple of the diebold machines malfunctioned. Which diebold machines a notorious for doing. I mean just do a google search for diebold malfunction and you'll see what I'm talking about. These things are highly unrelyable. However, at least they still have a paper trail. So they tallied up the paper votes. Guess who was in charge of that? Apparently it was one of Mitt Romney's campaign staff (specifically Romney for President Leadership Team)! Now, is that conflict of interest or is it just me?
Also, theres some issues with the attendees of the Iowa Straw Poll. According to "" 26,000 Tickets were sold and only 14,302 votes were counted. As Mr. Rivero put it,

" Now think about that for a minute. 26,000 people purchase tickets to go to a Straw Poll event, and yet we are to believe that 12,000 of those people couldn’t even care less about the voting part? Just what were they there for?

I don't buy it. This is not believable. An Investigation is needed here.
I don't need an investigation."

I think there should be an in depth look into this. Nothing terribly drastic. One of Ron Paul's supporters actually threatened to sue! I don't think it should come to that. Nonetheless action should be taken.
Here's some more links on the issue: KCCI Des Moines, Iowa; Malfunctioning Diebold Voting Machines Run By Romney Team Member At Iowa Poll ; Romney Leadership Team Member Overseeing Straw Poll

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